The girls came over last night…everyone but the A, she had to work, we didn’t save her any leftovers either. If it were me I would be pissed because we had Eric’s Enchilada’s made by his loving wife, but anyone who knows this crowd, knows you have to come early, or you won’t get any food…huh Bob. I am sorry there wasn’t any left A, but we did miss you…
Anyway, the men folk even joined us and seemed to enjoy themselves. They don’t typically join in on these things, I am sure J appreciated the extra testosterone. They were able to talk union and work….hopefully they will join more often.
With the eight adults came children. It was great, it sounded as if we where throwing a raging party (something that has not been done for over a decade) but really, it was all the children… 12 total. I think we actually almost have one for every year lets see oldest to youngest …11,9,9,8,8,7,6,5,4,3,1,1,… anyway... Even though a few punches were thrown, the kids loved it. The older girls played with the babies, the boys picked on the girls (or play video games) and the babies looked around helplessly to find their mommies. Next time it is at someone’s house with a rec-room….S & S….so we can kennel them all …and then we will bribe someone to sit on them to keep them in line!!! Maybe then, the adults can actually play some poker… Okay just dreaming…as Nate said, “it would take to much planning”.
So after everyone left, my Daddy called, to wish me a Happy Birthday. What a cool Dad!!!
Today we went to a welcome Chelsea home (my GS that was in the hospital) she will have to continue to see the doctors regularly for blood clots and more water accumulating on the brain, and take a shot twice a day but thing look like they will continue to get better. They were very lucky to catch this so early…she was complaining of headaches so her mom brought her to the eye doctor, he saw something odd and referred them on. The eye doctor caught a problem way before the medical doctors would have. This was also the case with my brother, the eye doctor saw weird scarring and he was diagnosis with MS shortly after. It is important to see a real eye doctor and don’t skimp on the tests!!! Even if you don’t wear glasses!
Tonight I am looking forward to my glass of wine and “Desperate Housewives”.