Friday, September 30, 2005

I get a phone call this morning…..

I have been trying to give T some room….she wants to be able to go to the park with her friends, walk/roll to school, go to the movies…well just to be independent. My problem with this… is it safe? Is it normal for a girl like T to do these things alone?

There are two hills on the way to school the first one goes DOWN and connects with another very busy road. T has been practicing this hill for a while now, and she can cruise it on her own….usually I am running behind yelling to slow down and to watch the ditch and to….okay I just nag her. She loves it (the hill not the nagging)…for once she can go faster then all of the other kids. You should see her face…the rush is something she has never felt.

I probably should mention that T has been using the wheelchair since school started. Her last botox treatment didn't last as long as it should have.

Emotionally, letting T roll to school alone is a very hard thing for me, I cannot seem to let go, but T has been working hard learning how to navigate hills and maneuver her wheelchair safely. I need to give her a chance, she is in 6th grade and I feel that she needs to be able handle this stuff, without me running behind nagging.

This morning she took off to school in her wheelchair with all of the kids, her sisters were there and her friend Cody. I stayed home so I could have 15 extra minutes to do chores.

I got the phone call from David (Cody’s step dad), the phone call scared me…. I thought T had rolled into the road and was hit by a car…

I rushed out of the house to go get her and was there in 5 seconds flat… When I got there were five cars pulled over and a crowd, you would have thought that there was a fatal accident…. I really am surprised the APD, fire dept, and ambulance were not there. I am thankful that David was there because the other adults (Moms headed to schools to drop kids off and school employee’s headed to work) were totally overreacting.… but all was okay, she just a little muddy. She only ditched it. It was just a little roll over; the air bags didn’t go off, no flats, and no major damage to her or her ride.

After I dismissed the crowd, I loaded T and the chair into the truck. When I finally got into the truck, she was in tears, NOT because she was hurt, but because...

1.) the adults did not let her take care of it.

2.) the adults (other then David) were not listening to her. They wanted to call the school and everybody but me. T just wanted to upright her chair and move on. The kids could have helped her do this.

3.) the cool kids saw all of this chaos.

4.) Rumors will go around the school.

5.) Her aides will hear about it and she will never be left alone again.

With most kids, age leads to independence with T she has to work for it. She could have handled this situation on her own. She really was not that muddy and really did not need to come home. I brought her home so she could calm down and she was back at school in no time.

While at home, we talked about how to handle this and how to prevent it from happening again. We decide it wasn’t her first crash….once when she was a baby took her wheels down the “stairs from hell” at grandma‘s….and it won’t be her last crash. This means that not rolling/walking to school is not an option. We decided that I would have to chaperone her from on, not to keep her from crashing, but to keep the “Good Samaritans” away.

Thank you for your help…but sometimes it is best to ask questions first and then LISTEN to the answers. Even if they are children!!!


Blogger FishTaxi said...

Good pep talk there, mom. Just like horses, you need to get back on your horse and ride, after you fall down.

Does she have studs on that thing for the winter? I see a lot of bike riders around here all winter along.

11:29 AM, September 30, 2005  
Blogger Shana said...

man that sucks....what more can you gooders are not always doing what is right but they think they are helping....How bout assertivness training (like she needs that hehehe) but maybe if she understood it is okay to tell adults to back a nice way of course...and it is okay to be firm about it...she has to feel some controll somehow....Hey I got it BUMPER STICKERS...."this chair stops at the occasional ditch"..."please dont mind me I am just taking a break"...."Sit the damn thing up for me and I will be on my way"...."hey buddy do I look like I need your help"....Sorry sis the sarcasm runs in the family.

1:45 PM, September 30, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL the bumper sticker thing is a GREAT idea and I think T would love it. I'm so sorry that she was the center of a huge scene. She never has been helpless, but people always act like idiots when around someone who is physically different. Do they really think T had never used the wheelchair before? Good grief.

Here's a funny wheelchair story you can share with her. It should give her some ideas to mess with those idiots who don't know how to act around her.

And I remember when she fell down those stairs - she didn't even roll the walker and landed on her wheels. I think it scared Mom and me a whole lot more than it scared her.

4:00 PM, September 30, 2005  
Blogger Heidi said...

I loved that story...T and I need to get more creative.
She went everywhere with that babywalker. She loved the halls at providence when i was in with D.

7:16 PM, September 30, 2005  
Blogger MrsM said...

Poor T. What a nightmare, I can only imagine. The whole bit about cool kids seeing and it being all over the school makes me glad of two things. One that I am not in school anymore and two that I don't live in Homer anymore, haha. This to shall pass though I guess. I'm so glad she's ok.

12:30 AM, October 01, 2005  
Blogger Heidi said...

Just an update...rumors didn't get around school...the cool kids didn't tease her...because she is the cool kid...

8:59 AM, October 01, 2005  
Blogger Shana said...

lol thats our T

9:48 AM, October 01, 2005  
Blogger Tabitha-n-AK said...

Let Taylor know that she is the cool kid!!! Just like ME!!! I really admire her strength and your's. When mom has a wounded cub she is bound to protect even if feelings are where the bruise is. I think Monday Ms.T should go with her sisters, and if u where conviently to take a jog a block behind, within sight but not close enough for the "nagging" to b heard = she is independent and u r not home pacing thinking "I sure am glad I don't want a cig" :) 2 birds 1 stone.
Maybe. U no me I can come up with some pretty good bumpr stickers.
- idea 2= it's not as if u sent her out on her own, the coolest crowd was there and matbe if they have an emergency plan of action next time such as one gets the chair back up , then one under each arm lifts her up, with her as guidance I wonder if the 3 of them couldn't pull it off? Independence is great when u r part of a team, it's acceptable to call upoon your peps.
As far as the rumors, well for goodness sake she had just saved a baby from a burning building, followed by that cute guy that had her seeing stars when out of no where this purse snatcher came flying out of a bush when she dove in front of everyone knocking him down and saving the old ladys most prize possesion's.
GEEZ, what hero can't take a little down time???

11:38 AM, October 01, 2005  
Blogger prudhoeman said...

Glad to hear everything turned out alright. Good thing she is tuff.

6:40 AM, October 03, 2005  

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